I play with limits, not emotions.

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Portage, Michigan | Мужчина Ищу Женщину

Базовая информация

Говорю на языках:
Я бы описал(а) себя как
I am a divorced Dom who is sick of fake online subs who talk a good game but run and hide when things get close to real.
I am looking for female submissives who are willing to do more than text about their fantasies. I am willing to take things slow, let's face it there isn't any other way to take this especially in 2020. But when someone is unwilling to take any play to phone or video calls then they are fake in some way, either playing fantasy games that will never amount to anything or some kind of scammer. Either way I'm done with those games. I want games that end with my sub in a scene begging for release in either pain or pleasure, not begging to read about the scene as I have written it in text.
Знак зодиака

Внешность и семейное положение

Пара лишних кг
Мой рост
192 см
Мои глаза
Моя этническая принадлежность
Белый европеец/кавказец
Семейное положение
В разводе
У меня есть дети
Да - иногда дома
Хочу детей
Привлекательная часть тела
Мои волосы
Домашние животные
Хочу переехать


Высшее (магистр)
Работаю дома
Род занятий
Род занятий
CCP of Chizek Consulting LLC
Зарабатываю в год
от $60,000USD до $74,999USD
Все очень спокойно
Отношение к курению


В школе я был(а):
Мое социальное поведение
Сдержанное, Наблюдательное, Комедийное, Мрачное
Интересы и увлечения:
Упражнения, Чтение, Учеба, Музыка, Интернет, Игры, Путешествия, Компьютеры
Мое представление об отлично проведенном времени
Останусь дома, Пробовать новое, Расслабление, Клубы / Бары, Чтение книг, Видеоигры, Пойду на концерт, Пойду в музей
Идеально первое свидание
Long quiet walk somewhere that we would have things interesting things to trigger conversation, enough privacy to speak openly, and enough people around to be in a public place for both of our comfort and safety.
Я всегда хотел попробовать
Public/not-public play, things like remote control vibrators in or on my sub with me holding control. Games that are nearly but not quite explicitly exhibitionist sound like fun, and I have never had a partner who was willing to even think of games like this. Depending on my subs limits, full exhibitionist activities might be on the table - although this pushes my personal limits so I would need to work on scenes of this type.
Друзья считают что я:
Сама дружелюбность, Немного "того"


Моя религия
Не религиозен/религиозна
Посещение служб:
Моя цель в жизни
Happiness, comfort, doing things I enjoy doing with people I like and love. That list sounds very hedonistic until you realize that so of the things I enjoy include writing software, writing articles and novels, and other parts of running my small business. So, wrapped up in my enjoyment is making my business prosper and grow, so that I can provide the happiness and comfort I want for myself and my family.
Мой юмор
Умный, Сарказм, Сама дружелюбность, Немного "того", Со странностями


По телевизору, я всегда смотрю
Новости, Мультфильмы, Документальное кино, Ситкомы, Записи
Предпочитаемые жанры фильмов:
Экшн, Научная фантастика, Комедии, Мелодрамы
Предпочитаемая музыка
Кантри, Рэп, Рок, Метал , Электроника , Поп, Классика, Блюз, Джаз, Промышленная, Латинская, Нью-эйдж, Танцевальная, Душевная, Регги, Евангелие, Народный, Панк
Я люблю читать:
Новости, Античная литература, Бизнес, Классика, Юмор, Компьютеры, Фантазия, Художественная литература, История, Юмор, Обучающие программы, Математика, Тайна, Природа, Философия, Политика, Ссылка, Религия, Наука, Научная фантастика, Спорт, Технический, Я автор, Мелодрамы, Эротика, Сверхъестественное
Мои идеи классного времяпрепровождения
What I find fun varies tremendously depending on my mood, who I am with, and where I am. Sometimes sitting by a fire reading is my idea of great joy, either by myself or with my love. I may enjoy a night clubbing either locally or drive to the Chicago or Detroit area for a more high-end cub, again alone or together with a sub. Sometimes camping as far from civilization as I can possibly get is my idea of fun, or staying in a high-end hotel in a major city for a weekend or week to sightsee. I love caving, canoeing, boating, rock climbing, cross-country skiing, hiking, biking, and swimming. But at the same time, I enjoy sitting in front of a computer, writing either fact, fiction, software, or just playing games. Some of these things it has been months or even years since I did them, but they are still there waiting for me to get back to, because I still enjoy them, but haven't had the right mood or person for the activity.

В поиске

Считаю привлекательным:
Остроумие, Смелость, Чувствительность, Сопереживание, Юмор, Красота, Внимание, Интеллект, Пассивность
Что и кого ищете?
What I am looking for is, in fact, the six-billion dollar question. If I knew the answer to this question, I wouldn't be looking, would I? I am looking for someone who fits, who complements me but is enough of her own person that I don't have to direct her every move. Who is submissive but not passive can both be a partner and a sub. These may be conflicting requirements making this an impossible goal, but if I don't look, then I will never know.